RIDOC in French is an  Information Network of Documentation and Communication. It is an international structure to the service of the research. The idea of ​​its creation emanated from Rev. Moudio Dalle Philibert (Librarian in chief of UPAC since February 2005), in 2003, while he was student of Technics of Documentary Information Sciences (TDIS) in ENAM, Benin (Training Center at the Careers of the Information "CEFOCI").

         Later on in August 2006 it was created by its initiator, with the help of “Centre de litterature chretien francophone (CLCF) headed at the time by Pr Daniel Bach.

         The take off occurred in 2017, with the help of Dr Joan Charras-Sancho, General Secretary of CLCF.

RIDOC main objective is the fluidity of documentary informations and the :

- Collection, the storage and dissemination of Christian literature

- Exchange of experiences and bibliographic data

- Pooling the resources of the libraries members

- The establishment of a collective catalog and its updating

- Support to the computerization of the institutes libraries’ members

- Loan between members

- Exchange of informations at an international level

- Organization of recycling, seminars, etc.

- Promotion of the documentary information profession

- Dissemination of works carried out within the framework of the network

- Intensive training of librarians  and recycling of sub-librarians

- The production and dissemination of documentary products (such as the acquisition of lists, documentary files, directories of researchers, etc.)

- Facilitation of books orderings for students and libraries members.

RIDOC has a collective catalog that governs all the libraries and which is its essential tool.

Currently, the great difficulty encountered in its elaboration is the absence of the computerization of most of its libraries.

The documentary software adopted by RIDOC is CDS-ISIS, but due to the lack of the computerization of most of our libraries, it migrated to the PMB software, which presents the database of each member institution of the network . This will also facilitate the loan between the libraries.

Interlibrary loan

Another important service of the RIDOC is the inter-library loan. In fact, the loan of documents will happen exclusively between libraries. That’s to say the user will be able to consult the document he needs only through a library member of the network.

Those libraries can also order articles, periodicals, dissertations or thesis for their users. Those documents will be sent by attached files into the electronic box of the library which has ordered them.

           Different structures of RIDOC

RIDOC has three (03) departments:

1) The Processing Department (responsible for processing network applications, catalogs and updating them)

2) The Department of Marketing and Communication

3) The Department of Training

This third department integrates the intensive training in librarianship. This training was initiated since 2002 by the Protestant Faculty of Theology in Yaounde, which provides logistics for training, in cooperation with the CLCF, (which brings financial supports ).

At the launching of the training, the co-directors were late the Dean Maurice Kouam (on the FTPSR side) and Rev. Professor Daniel Bach (on the CLCF side), under the coordination of late Pastor Chrispo Tchapi Tchapi, Principal Librarian of the Protestant Faculty of Theology in Yaounde.

Since 2002, the growing number of trainees at each session reflects the interest of the theological institutions in documentation in general and in librarianship in particular. The number of persons who have already benefited from a training through this department are such as follows:

- 10 people in 2002, from 03 countries (Cameroon, Benin and Congo Brazzaville)

- 10 people in 2003, from 03 countries (Cameroon, Rwanda and Gabon.

- 04 persons in 2004, from 02 countries (Cameroon and Central African Republic).

- 10 people in 2005, from 02 countries (Cameroon and Congo Brazzaville).

- 12 people in 2006, from 02 countries (Cameroon and Democratic Republic of Congo).

- 07 people in 2007, from 05 countries (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ivory Coast and Rwanda).

Thus, more than 50 trainees have been trained at UPAC to date. The coordination of the first three sessions was assured by late Rev. Chrispo Tchapi Tchapi and, since then, it is being done by Rev. Philibert Moudio Dalle.

The opening and closing of the training are presided by the Rector or the Secretary General of UPAC.

The training lasts two months (July / August).

Modules provided are:
• Knowledge of documents
• Knowledge of publishers
• Document Circuit
• Bibliographic tracking
• Library management and organization
• Marketing
• Management of SIDs
• Ethics and documentary ethics
• Statistical tools
• Archives management
• Human Resource Management
• Virtual Library
• Documentation network
• Documentary and Internet Computing
• Creation of websites
RIDOC is called to contribute effectively to the development of research in Africa and elsewhere. Its developer relies on the contribution of all to fulfill that dream which is very important to him.